Master the Upper Rooms
Master the Upper Rooms is a podcast that weaves together spirituality and science to support the shift from 3D human consciousness into 4D and 5D ascension. I channel and in 2012, learned this life-altering technique to support humanity in the ascension process. I have successfully used this technique with thousands of clients and now I am here to teach the world. So join me and discover why life is so challenging, hard, and disappointing, and learn the tools to transform your step at a time. Learn how to read people's energy and yourself. Want to experience more joy, happiness, peace, a sense of connection, and life satisfaction? This podcast is for you!
In various episodes, we discuss:
- How to Master the Upper Rooms of Human Consciousness
- Shift out of anger, fear, and disappointment and become courageous
- Stop drowning in life and learn how to swim in the ocean of life
- Channeling, connecting to a higher power, and building your intuition
- How to manifest your heart desires quickly
- End years of suffering by shifting one's perspective and consciousness
- How the law of attraction really works
- Mental Health and Relationships
- How to shed generational trauma
- Develop your intuition and psychic abilities
- Clairvoyance and Alternative Ways of Thinking
- Self Improvement and Coaching strategies
- Religion and Spirituality
- How to achieve 5D ascension
- Different levels of human consciousness and becoming One with Divine Love
- Education and Understanding WHY life is so hard and painful
Join me on this adventure of life and finding your authentic self!
About Me: Award-winning therapist and coach for over 25 years, author, blogger, podcaster, spiritual advisor, parent, animal lover, and friend.
Master the Upper Rooms
How to Align to Love Vibrational Frequency
In this episode, I will teach you how to align to the frequency and vibration of love. I share two life events in which I taught two people how to align to the vibration of love when one was stuck in regret and the other in hatred.
There is also a mini-guided exercise to teach you hands-on how to align to the frequency of love. Enjoy!
How to Align to love vibrational frequency is a hot topic today. When I channeled the teachings of how to Master the Upper Rooms in 2012, the most important thing I learned was everyone MUST learn how to align to love’s vibrational frequency. Love vibrates at 500. It is the first step in becoming one with our Creator. When one aligns with love, it is magical. We all, hopefully, have experienced the emotion of pure, genuine, unconditional love. If you have not, I will show you how to still learn how to align with the frequency of love today.
So, I am going to give you a personal example of mine that I use often. My kids are fantastic tools for aligning to the frequency and vibration of love. So are my cats. When it comes to my kids, I always use a picture when they were little, innocent, playful, silly, carefree, loved snuggle time, and exuded and emanated love. Why? Well, our thoughts and feelings change as our kids reach those challenging teenage years. Based on our life history, past parenting style, and experiences, some people put up walls that block their hearts from freely giving and receiving love.
Some put their teenager in a box and label them, yet that teenager is a part of you, which is love and light. Just because those transitional years are challenging for everyone, love should remain the same and I mean unconditional love. My son is a teenager and because aligning to love for me means everything, our love for one another has not altered or changed. Even when he is angry, says unkind words, or gets in trouble. Love remains the same – unconditional and open-hearted.
Now, some people might be saying that is too hard. My child is an adult and a monster. Others might say, my child has ruined their life or is beyond help. I have a story to share about how to fix that because our thoughts and feelings do impact another person. So, let me share this story first.
My older brother at the time would have been labeled by my family as a lost cause and in some way, it was true. He was stuck in learned helplessness and knew how to get what he wanted by playing the victim of everything that happened in his life. He could never take responsibility for his actions and was stuck in 3D survival human consciousness.
My mom was stuck in guilt, which vibrates at the frequency of 30. Because she was riddled with guilt, she would try to make up for her past mistakes by giving him money. This became a habit and expectation until one day, she could no longer afford it. When she tried to explain to my brother that she could no longer help him out financially, he threatened to no longer talk to her. She was in tears and did not know what to do. She called me asking for help. Now, at the time, I did not know about Master the Upper Rooms until 2012, and the timeframe was 2004. So, I believe a high power was communicating with me because maybe one day, like today, I would be sharing with the world this amazing story.
I learned that every time my brother phoned our mother, he would complain about anything and everything. He would stand on his soap box and bring her down. She dreaded those phone calls and only wanted to see him happy, but it never happened. Plus, somehow she felt responsible for his crummy life and to her, money was the only solution.
I shared with her that coming from that mentality is only keeping him trapped and the monthly money is preventing him from improving the quality of his life. What he needs from you is love, confidence, emotional support, and words of affirmation that inspire him.
So, this is what I suggested she do. First, write down these words, “I know life can be hard and I believe in you. I love you. I know you will find your way.” Place it by the phone the next time he calls. Next, find your favorite picture of him when he was happy and life was good for him. Place that next to the phone and look at it daily to align with that vibration of unconditional love. When you look at his picture, talk to it. Say, I believe in you. I love you. I know you will find your way. Then imagine in your mind that he is doing that now! Put it out in the Universe and hand it over to our Creator. Do this daily and wait until he calls you again.
Well, a few weeks passed after his initial threat and she was delighted to hear his voice, instead of dreading it. He complained like usual, but when he asked for money, she said with love in her heart as she held the photo of him in her hands, “I know life can be hard and I believe in you. I love you. I know you will find your way.” What she did differently is she did not feed into his drama. She stayed neutral, which vibrates at a frequency of 250. She had love in her voice, which he could sense and hear. She did not make any excuses for not being able to give him money and she did not allow him to make her feel guilty. And even though he was disappointed that she could not give him money, he did not get angry or threaten her because she maintained her energy from a place of POWER, instead of FORCE.
Then two months later, my mother called me all excited. She had tears of joy. My mother was amazed because, for the first time in 10 years, he said to her, “I love you too. Thank you for listening and being so supportive. I really appreciate you, mom.” She shared how instead of feeding into his sucky life, she just let him vent. Then she said those three sentences over and over, “I know life can be hard and I believe in you. I love you. I know you will find your way.”
So, let me explain what happened from a vibrational standpoint. First, my mother and brother were stuck in 3D human consciousness. He aligned with all the lower thought patterns and emotions of shame 20, blame 30, despair 50, and regrets 75. My mother aligned with grief and regret 75. Can you see how they align?
For her to find a sense of relief, she had to raise her vibrational setpoint around the subject of her son. She had to shift her consciousness from 3D to 4D. She needed to recall those memories of love 500, joy 540, and bliss 600. Love, joy, and bliss all align with 5D human consciousness and that is the sweet spot for manifesting one’s pure heart desires. Since she was sending out the vibrational signal daily coming from a place of love, he energetically could sense and feel it. If he did not, he might have taken longer to call her again.
Her daily commitment to aligning with love created a miracle in their relationship. It went from despair and sadness into hope, inspiration, optimism, and love. That is what changed his relationship with her because energetically, he unconsciously could feel and hear her disappointment, regrets, sadness, and despair. Once she made the conscious shift to no longer align with guilt and instead love, magic happened.
Here is another story that will blow your mind because it will show everyone how powerful we all are inside when we align with Love and how fast positive results can and do manifest instantly. This example comes from my book, Affirming and Focusing on Living a Better Life, Chapter Four, Example One: Before I became self-employed, I was in the wine business. At the time, I was managing several sales reps for the states of Oregon and Washington.
One of my sales reps became good friends with me. I knew that she tried to help out her best friend from high school by letting her rent a room inside her house, but things were not going well. One afternoon, she called me. Frantically, she told me her story about how things had gotten ugly between them. She asked her to move out, but she refused. She went to the police, and because she paid rent, she could stay until the end of the month. My friend/coworker begged me to come over and be the peacekeeper.
She said, “Kerie, you’re so good at talking to people. I need your help here.”
I took a deep breath and said, ” Theresa Ray, I am about to go into a meeting, but I can tell you what you can do. You have to TRUST (250) me on this.
Her response was, “What can I do?”
I replied, “I want you to sit down, close your eyes, and send her love.”
Theresa Ray laughed and said, “What? I hate her right now!”
I responded, “I know, but she will not hear you with all your hate thrown into her face. You can do this (me trying to raise her to courage). Just remember the love you had in your heart for her when you were best friends. You have known her for over 30 years. Connect to that feeling of love. When you can connect to that feeling of love, imagine her before you. Have a conversation with her in your mind. Tell her that you’re sorry. Ask to make amends. Tell her you still love her.”
Theresa Ray was silent. I could tell she was thinking it over. About one minute later, she said, “You have taught me so much, Kerie, and I will try it, even if it sounds crazy.”
I smiled and said, Good. I believe in you, Theresa Ray. You can do this.”
About an hour later, after my meeting, Theresa Ray phoned. She was so excited. She said, “Oh my God, Kerie. It worked. You were right. She came to the door and was nice. Then, she told me that she wanted to pick up her stuff. She was sorry that things did not work out, and she still wanted to be friends. We actually hugged and cried. It was amazing!”
Because Theresa Ray still loved her friend. What she did not love was this woman’s attitude, behaviors, and living together. Love could have remained and not gotten ugly if she only learned how to maintain her energy, set healthy boundaries, and learn open-heart communication skills.
Within my first book, I also wrote this. “According to the Institute of HeartMath Research Center, the heart is more powerful than the brain. The heart is about 100,000 times stronger electrically and up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. So, when you think about it logically, the heart should always come first when dealing with anything that matters to you.”
I also wrote this, “During the writing of this book, I got a clear understanding of what has protected me and guided me through the darkness my entire life. Since our thoughts are an invisible force of energy, it can either cause harm or empower all of us. We can use our thoughts for good or evil. When we unite as a community or group, our thoughts can empower each other. When we think hateful thoughts about another person, we energetically will feel it, and it will cause harm to that person. Yet, if that person you so hate is focused upon love, light, kindness, happiness, and striving to live a better life, then your hatred for them cannot penetrate their goodness. That is why God says to love your enemies. When you love your enemy, they cannot harm you. They have no power over you! The force that lives within you is strong and you can draw upon that force to support you. That is why prayer and learning how to affirm and focus coming from a place of love has been so powerful for me. I believe that is why some people could not destroy me and cripple me.”
Therefore, when I am disappointed in my son, I look at a picture of him when he was 6 years old. I recall his laugh, smile, the light in his eyes, how we love and adore each other unconditionally, and how life was magical. Right now, I can feel that love pulsating within my heart.
If a picture does not work, watch a video of your child or a pet. Connect to those memories because those memories hold magical emotions within our energy field and systems. A person can also look an images or videos on their phone or tablet. Images of being on vacation and loving those moments. Love exists within the 5D human consciousness range. So, let’s experiment.
Close your eyes and check in with your body. Whatever you are feeling at this moment, set it aside. Either put those feelings, thoughts, and emotions on a shelf, in a container, or box. Know that it will be there to collect when we are done with this exercise.
Now, I want you to recall a time when your heart was full and overflowing with love. It could be from something you saw like a painting that spoke to your soul, children laughing and playing, cats or dogs being silly or snuggling, being on a tropical island and feeling so blessed to be there, or seeing and feeling love emanate from another person. It could also be when you taste your favorite food for the first time, meet a pet you adopted for the first time, see your child being born, or watch a movie that moved you deeply like Forest Gump, or a song.
Go within and examine the size and range of that essence of love. Is it in the center of your heart or outside your physical body? Is love tight and compact or is it open and fluid? Now, see if you can bring it either closer if it is outside your physical body or expand it. Try to connect to that pulse and vibration.
Breathe it in and anchor it inside your heart. Then say, “I am love. I am one with the essence of love. I am, I am, I am.” Feel that now. Believe that now. Become one with the essence and vibration of love now. Merge with it. Blend with it. Become the embodiment of pure, fluid, free-flowing, magical love. I am love. I am one with the essence of love. I am, I am, I am. Breathe.
Ground it into your body, embrace it, become it, embody it. See and feel it dance and swirl within and without your physical form. Experience how the vibrational frequency of love is now wrapping around you like a soft, warm, cozy blanket. Anchor it in by taking your right hand and gently squeezing your left wrist and saying to yourself out loud or in your mind, “I am love. I am one with the essence of love. I am, I am, I am.” See it, feel it, believe it because you are able, willing, ready, deserving, committed, and have a neutral association to make this true…now. Lock it in by taking in a deep breath and letting it out with a sweet sigh of relief. Feels good, right?
So, the key to that exercise is to:
- See it,
- Feel it,
- Embody it,
- Become it, and
- Anchor it within.
If anyone has any stories to share, comment below. If this process seems confusing, please download the free image or chart that displays the 17 levels of human consciousness. After learning how to align to love, practice it. If you don’t, you will not master it. Love will come and go. Yet love will always be there. Waiting for you to return home because everyone was created out of love and light…even those people you dislike. Because what you dislike is not what exists within that horrible person. What you dislike is their life choices, attitude, behaviors, and personality. That is why I say, you can love them, but still not like them. It is a choice and when I hate someone, what I am doing is hurting myself and dragging myself down into the shadows of disappointment, grief, regrets, sadness, and fear. I choose to stand in the light, which is there for anyone to access 24/7, ranging from the vibrational frequency of 200 to 1,000.
Therefore, I hope you have enjoyed this blog post and podcast. Please comment or share.
In love and light,
Kerie Logan