Master the Upper Rooms

Do we live in a set world?

Kerie Logan Season 1 Episode 8

In this episode, I unpack and explain this concept and idea because we do live in a set world full of various structures. Some of those structures are collapsing, and new structures are being created. Enjoy!

Do we live in a set world? This is what I want to discuss today. To answer the question, “Do we live in a set world?” I would have to say yes and no. It all depends upon one’s perception. Therefore, I will unpack this concept and idea today. 

First off, we all live in the same Universe. Every phenomenon we “observe” will eventually fit into a single coherent and integrated representation of the Universe we conceptualize. And I need to stress the phrase, WE CONCEPTUALIZE.

The Universe is vast, yet it is all ONE world, and we all live together on this ONE planet we call Earth/Home. This factor will influence our reality and concept of the world based on where we were born. For example, if you are born in Mexico, your family, culture, religion, society, political views, education, sexuality, and gender roles will influence and impact one’s life choices. Remember, we all have free will, and every day, we make choices. 

Therefore, someone born in Thailand will have a different perspective, structure, and beliefs than someone born and raised in Mexico. Yet, as both individuals start to step out of their comfort zone bubbles and explore this vast world, someone in Thailand and Mexico might cross paths. They can broaden their worldview perspective, allowing them to think for themselves. It is no longer what everyone within their bubble perceived, but a new opportunity to discover who and what you truly want in life.

Let me give you an example, and I believe everyone will get it. I am embarrassed to give this example, but we all can relate. When I was in my 20s, I would talk on the phone with a sales representative in Hawaii. I had never been to Hawaii. Therefore, I had this idea or concept of this man’s life. I was completely wrong! I thought he went surfing daily, had long hair and tan skin, wore flip-flops, a tank top, and shorts, and was a laid-back surfer. Are you laughing? I felt stupid when I finally met him at a yearly sales meeting. I judged and labeled him, which was wrong. I quickly learned that he had never surfed in his life. He had short hair and pale skin and was dressed like a salesman.

Since I was born in California, people have labeled and created stereotypes of Californians. For example, they are hippies, crystal lovers, snobs, extremely wealthy, new age stuff, strange, and the list goes on. Some of that is true, and some parts are false. Therefore, those labels and stereotypes spread from person to person. Eventually, enough people can and do create a structure that can lump everyone from California into one cookie-cutter box. This has happened to people living in New York, New Jersey, and other European countries.

So, when I say we live in a set world, I am referring to the structure you were born into that impacts our lives. The good news is some structures last a long time, like decades and decades. Those structures are designed to keep society safe and to reduce crime. While other structures collapse because the collective consciousness of society changes, evolves, expands, and grows. That is the difference between 3D human consciousness and 4D into 5D. Some structures set in place are no longer serving the people, and positive solutions must be discovered to help the species thrive.

Let me give everyone a perfect example of what I mean. First, a thought enters a person’s consciousness. Let’s say you lived in a town with no roads or streets. Your form of transportation was a horse. Eventually, enough people riding horses would create a trail. Then, someone thought about connecting one town to another. That trail grew into a road. Enough people created a road structure connecting two cities by following a specific route. As the population grew, laws and rules were established, another form of structure born from the collective consciousness. Over time, a brilliant idea formed in someone’s consciousness to create a faster and more effective form of transportation, such as building a wagon pulled by a horse, then trains, automobiles, trucks, etc. So, as you can see, the horse, being the sole means of transportation, eventually collapsed, and a new structural form of transportation was born. I know I am being nerdy and technical, yet I want everyone to grasp this concept and idea about how structures are born and eventually die.

Here is a brief list of structures that impact everyone today.

  1. Family – values, traditions, and expectations
  2. Religion – for it, against it, or on the fence, rebel against, shoved down your throat, stand on a soapbox
  3. Faith and Spirituality – for it, against it, or on the fence, guru, cult leader
  4. Culture – values, roles, expectations, gangs, no gangs
  5. Education – traditions, values, expectations, requirements, rules
  6. Sexuality – accepted, not accepted, expectations, values, taboo
  7. Gender roles – a man’s role and a woman’s role
  8. Career – acceptable or not acceptable, status, expectations,
  9. Salary – men still get paid more than women
  10. Government – broken, corrupt, collapsing, or needs improvement
  11. Politics – don’t get me started
  12. Relationships -superficial, deep, too scary, challenging
  13. Marriage – committed, open, cheat, lie, survival, or convenience
  14. Color of your skin – accepted, denied, illegal alien, hate crimes, racism
  15. Mental Health – for it or against it, you crazy if you go to therapy or confused

So, let’s take mental health as an example. When I was born, going to therapy was only for crazy people. Yet, mental health professionals knew people needed help but grew up in a generation where people did not talk about their feelings. Talking about your feelings was a sign of weakness. People were taught to stuff them down. Therefore, a structure was created by society, various cultures, religions, and communities to avoid attending any form of “outside” treatment. That is why the word was not used so often: mental health. People would label someone as being mental, which was an insult as if the person was mentally defective or broken. So, the word “treatment centers” became more acceptable as if it implied there was a cure.

This other example will lead me to another example. When my husband was growing up, the biggest insult another young man could call another young man was a F***ing faggot. Being gay was taboo. I have a story about that, and I am blessed that society has gone from a 3D rigid perspective structure to a 4D state of human consciousness.

When I was a freshman in high school during the 80’s, AIDS was frightening. The AIDS epidemic ravaged San Francisco, and I lived only 30 minutes away. My parents at the time were divorced and were dealing with financial issues, so I was forced to move across the Bay and live with my father. My best friend, Melissa, was so upset with me. We did not talk about it, she and I, but I knew deep down inside that she was gay. I didn’t care because I accept and embrace all people. At that time, we did not have cell phones or Facetime. It was a good old-fashioned home phone, but she didn’t want to talk while I was away, which made me sad. Since I was leaving and would return for my sophomore year, I hoped she and I would remain BBFs, but I was in for a big surprise.

I returned to my mother’s home for my sophomore year and was excited to see my BFF again. My BFF ignored, avoided, and shunned me. I did not know what I had done wrong. We had some classes together, and I saw she became a popular girl. This was a shock to me because she was never popular, and she hated those rich, snobby, mean girls. Yet now they were her friends. She would whisper and gossip about me to other classmates right before me. Many students were unkind when I tried to talk to other classmates within my grade level. I felt like I had zero friends from last year. It was heartbreaking.

So, I became friends with the students who would be labeled or classified as misfit kids. I became friends with the unpopular kids because I refused to conform like her and pretended to be someone I was not. Not until my senior year did I discover the rumor she crafted to turn everyone away from me. Since she was homophobic, she told everyone I was gay. That she ended our friendship because I kept trying to have sex with her. A friend who worked at the high school radio station told me that over the weekend, she was caught at a party going down on a girl in a bedroom. She did not care if I was straight or gay, but she did not like the rumor Melissa crafted about me.

As you can tell, I am giving away my age, but times have changed. As a society, we created movies that shifted people’s perspectives from 3D to 4D. As a whole, we were able to tear apart that rigid black-and-white structure to fear gay people. Movies like Philadelphia with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington woke people up. It raised people’s consciousness to have more compassion, acceptance, understanding, courage, optimism, forgiveness, and love. All those emotional thought patterns exist within 4D human consciousness.

Is societal collapse coming?

When Dallas Buyers Club, starring Matthew McConaughey, came out, it was shocking. He won best actor for that movie. He transformed his body for the leading role because the message needed to be heard worldwide. That movie dramatically altered people’s perspective on the lives of people who are gay and how it felt to be diagnosed with AIDS. I am so thankful that AIDS is under control because several of my friends are gay. My current BFF is gay, and I love and adore her. She has a heart of gold. I believe they are the kindest, most thoughtful, and compassionate people. Plus, my son is gay. Therefore, I am grateful that rigid structures around gay sexuality are still collapsing in various countries and states. I hope that one day, everyone will be accepted regardless of race, skin color, religion, or sexuality, and we will have equality.

I am seeing old structures crumbling and collapsing within the United States. For some people, this is exciting, liberating, and positive. For others, it is scary, and they are clinging onto those last threads to keep society fearful and controlled. We are witnessing this fact right now with politics. My son told me that people in Canada are laughing at us Americans and our upcoming presidential elections. I don’t blame them. Canadians comment that it’s a circus show on TV and social media, and it is.

What concerns me the most is this truth: Every brilliant idea is born from someone who exists in 4D human consciousness, and someone who comes from a 3D mentality will corrupt or ruin that gift to humanity. Let me give you some examples of what I mean.

  1. The cost of housing
  2. Childcare
  3. Internet
  4. Dating apps
  5. Social media
  6. Clickbait
  7. Fast Food

I grew up in a generation where I could afford childcare; now, it would be impossible. The price of fast food equals the cost of sitting in a restaurant. More and more people are becoming homeless. Dating apps were great, but now, it is all based on physical appearance, which creates anxiety, insecurities, and despair. This leaves people trapped and stuck in 3D consciousness. This can explain why we have a mental health epidemic. Children and teens glued to their phones and tablets are struggling. Major depression rate among teen girls from 2004 to 2020 went up 145% and 161% for boys. Mental illness among college students from 2008 to 2018 increased anxiety by 134%, depression by 106%, ADHD by 72%, bipolar by 57%, anorexia by 100%, substance abuse or addictions by 33%, and schizophrenia by 67%. Shocking, right? This information comes from Good Inside and the Anxious Generation Book. Can you see my concerns for humanity?

Another issue couples are facing is gender roles. Several generations ago, a man was the breadwinner, and the wife stayed home and cared for the children. After talking to a save your marriage coach, she discovered that many couples, especially women, struggle. That is why the divorce rate keeps climbing. In this generation, both couples must work. The problem is that many men grew up in a society, culture, or background where a woman must still clean the house, cook dinner, do laundry, and care for the children when she comes home from her full-time job. This is unfair. Women are getting burnt out. Some women can find their voice and negotiate. Other women cannot, and at times, some men get verbally abusive or cannot comprehend why their wives are so irritable. Can you see the dilemma and why that old structure must collapse? A new one can be built that supports the whole family instead of one-sided. That is why open-hearted 4D communication is essential. A person stuck in 3D consciousness will come from a black-and-white perspective. It is challenging to find solutions when another person is not willing to let go those rigid beliefs, ideas, or thought patterns.

What are the chances of society collapsing?

The structure is constantly changing and evolving as we change and evolve as a species. Some people can feel or sense this shift energetically, while others cannot. A few minutes ago, I pointed out this fact to my husband – the full moon. He worked in a nursing home and said the nurses would complain about the residents every full moon. ER rooms, the police, and first responders all notice a shift in people impacted by the full moon. We are all connected.

What are the chances of society collapsing?

According to the study’s models, maintaining current population growth rates and deforestation would mean less than a 10 percent chance of avoiding “an irreversible collapse of our civilization” within just a few decades. Structures that no longer serve humanity will collapse, creating new ones. I hope and desire that these new structures will come from 4D human consciousness instead of 3D.

So, what can you do to keep your sanity? As scientifically proven, our thoughts hold a vibrational tone or frequency. Therefore, whatever vibrational setpoint one holds can alter everything one encounters. The dense levels of human consciousness do not serve us, so the challenges we face and what we believe from a 3D perspective are outdated. When we see these structures collapsing, one must rise above the fear, dread, despair, anxiety, and grief. Focus on what you do want instead of what you do not want. This concept is challenging for some people to comprehend, but we are energetic beings. Our emotions have power because our emotions are in motion. They are attracting and drawing to us like a magnet. So, when you can catch yourself in a negative thought pattern loop, STOP. Self-awareness is vital. Calm down and go within. Connect to your heart and rise above it. Grab onto courage, which vibrates at the frequency of 200. Then, align with neutrality, which vibrates at 250. This is your place of POWER! Now, focus and affirm what you want in life from a place of calm inner guidance. Slow down and be present. Breathe and let go of what is dragging you down into 3D human consciousness. Imagine a world that supports the whole of humanity. Feel all those positive e-motions and assure yourself that you are safe and protected. I hope this advice helps.

Remember, nothing is permanent. Change is constant. What we are experiencing is only temporary.

In love and light,

Kerie Logan, CCHT